Will AI Dominate Social Media Content?

Recently, a peculiar thought has been nudging my mind: Is AI a potential threat to video content? I confess, I often lean on AI, especially ChatGPT, to craft my articles in English. Sadly, my confidence wavers in ensuring the universal resonance of my messages due to my linguistic limitations.

On LinkedIn, a subtle trend is emerging. Professionals, though hesitantly, are revealing their dependency on AI for creating written content. This scenario paints a future where AI's role is so entrenched, that the authenticity of manually crafted content becomes a topic of debate.

Exploring this notion further, I envisioned a future dominated by AI-authored content. We’d be awash in a sea of AI-crafted articles, blogs, and social posts, compelling us to resort to AI to distill this content overload. AI could then offer summaries and even audio renditions of the content, a fascinating business prospect, right?

In such a world, AI not only generates written content but also becomes its primary consumer. This contemplation led me to another question: Does AI pose a similar threat to animated video content?

I’m persuaded to believe that AI is years away from mastering the art of creating substantive animated videos. Even though we, at our animation studio Big Short Story, could use AI as a tool, the prospect of it autonomously crafting quality explainer videos is still a distant reality.

Creating animated video content involves a delicate choreography of timing and evolving imagery. For instance, how can we instruct AI that a video is not just about outlining a client’s service but also weaving societal issues into the narrative?

I assert that videos, especially explanatory videos, will gain prominence. It is a sanctuary where the human touch is not just visible but palpable, a realm where emotions are not just depicted but deeply felt.

So, as we brace for a dawn where AI-authored articles and summaries become commonplace, for content imbued with soul and essence, animated videos will be the refuge. In the rapidly evolving AI landscape, do you envisage animated video content becoming the epitome of human creativity?

I eagerly anticipate an enlightening exchange of thoughts!

#AIvsHumanTouch #FutureOfContent #AnimatedVideos #ExplainerVideoMagic

PS: For a glimpse into a world where human creativity and emotion are the core, explore our diverse portfolio of animated and explainer videos at www.bigshortstory.com. Every piece is a testament to the harmonious dance of innovation and human touch.


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